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Tri M Charter


 Tri-M:  The National Music Honor Society
 Chapter #3966
Advisor:  Dr. Harold Goldstein

President: Jasmine Recova

Vice President: Saitta Roy

Secretary: Thomas Lasher

Treasurer: Alex Yagud-Woleck

Historian: Sarah Gephardt

Executive Director: Emma Haberstroh

Band Representative: James Stafford

Chorus Representative: Raiyne Reid

Orchestra Representative: Sreya Roy
 Purpose:  Newfield's Chapter of Tri-M, the National Music Honor Society, provides recognition for outstanding service, leadership and musicianship within the Music Department. Our society provides community service and performance opportunities for the school's musical community. 
Meeting Times:  General meetings are held on the 2nd Friday of each month.  Other committees meet as necessary, as arranged by committee chairs, officers, and the advisor.
Dues Collected:  None